I am writing unit tests for a HOC that renders a chart and performs some operations on it. The chart is generated using data acquired from the database and stored in the redux-store. For the purposes of testing I have created a fake data store, however loading data for the chart occurs at componentDidMount and is performed by checking the value of a prop. So my code is as follows:
if (this.props.getData === "YES")
And the code in my unit test is as follows:
const mockStore = configureStore([thunk]);
let fakeStore = mockStore({...});
it("loads data"), function() {
let store = fakeStore;
const options = {
context: {store},
childContextTypes: {store: PropTypes.object.isRequired},
const mounted = mount(<Component getData="YES"/>, options);
The problem is using console.log I can see the props are not set when the component is first mounted and componentDidMount runs automatically, despite me specifying some values, but the props are immediately after, and when I attempt to call the function, it does not run, yet no messages are displayed explaining why exactly it didn't.
Could someone please advise?
You may mock the external interaction using the Sinon library. Then check whether mock interaction is invoked when the component is rendered. What you are writing is a unit test not an end to end test. So it should be like this:
import React from 'react'
import YourComponent from 'components/YourComponent'
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
describe('(Component) YourComponent', () => {
let _props, _spies, _wrapper
beforeEach(() => {
_spies = {}
_props = {
prop1: 'value1',
prop2: 'value2',
getData : (_spies.getData = sinon.spy()),
_wrapper = shallow(<YourComponent {..._props} />)
it('Should trigger the `getData` callback when mounted', () => {