From the TMB tutorial, one defines objective functions in a .cpp
file, such that parameter names and names of model data structures are shared between the C++ function and what is called from R. For example, the tutorial.cpp
#include <TMB.hpp> // Links in the TMB libraries
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
DATA_VECTOR(x); // Data vector transmitted from R
PARAMETER(mu); // Parameter value transmitted from R
PARAMETER(sigma); //
Type f; // Declare the "objective function" (neg. log. likelihood)
f = -sum(dnorm(x,mu,sigma,true)); // Use R-style call to normal density
return f;
After compilation and dyn.load
one can call this function from R, however, you need to know that the data vector is named x
, and that there are two parameter values mu
and sigma
. Is it possible to retrieve the names of these required objects some how from R?
I am not aware of a function in the package that does this, but the function below might help you out;
TMBsearch = function(path,what='parameter',class=FALSE){
if(!missing(what) | length(what)>1) stop("What should be of length one")
if(!(what %in% c('parameter','data','report','sdreport'))) stop("What should be parameter, data, report or sdreport")
text = paste0(paste0(readLines(path), collapse = "\n"), "\n") # read the text from the cpp file
start = unlist(gregexpr(pattern =toupper(what),text)) # starting position
end.poss = unlist(gregexpr(pattern =')',text)) # possible end positions
end = rep(NA,length(start))
for(i in 1:length(start)){end[i] = end.poss[(end.poss-start[i]) > 0][1]} # actual end position
textsub = substring(text,first=start,last=end) # extract the full PARAMETER/DATA_x(...)
found = gsub("[\\(\\)]", "", regmatches(textsub, gregexpr("\\(.*?\\)", textsub))) # get rid of the brackets
if(class & what %in% c('parameter','data')){
dataclass=tolower(gsub("_", "",gsub(".*PARAMETER\\s*|\\(.*", "", textsub)))
dataclass[dataclass=='']="single value"
TMBsearch(path=paste0(filename,'.cpp'), what='parameter')
"what" can either be 'parameter', 'data', 'report' or 'sdreport' but by default I made it parameter.
ADDITION: if class==TRUE than for parameter and data the class (matrix, array, etc.) is given as the name of each object.