Given a CSV as might be generated by Excel or other tools with embedded newlines and/or double quotes and/or commas in fields, and empty fields like:
$ cat file.csv
"rec1, fld1",,"rec1"",""fld3.1
"rec2, fld1.1
fld1.2","rec2 fld2.1""fld2.2""fld2.3","",rec2 fld4
What's the most robust way efficiently using awk to identify the separate records and fields:
Record 1:
$1=<rec1, fld1>
Record 2:
$1=<rec2, fld1.1
$2=<rec2 fld2.1"fld2.2"fld2.3>
$4=<rec2 fld4>
Record 3:
so it can be used as those records and fields internally by the rest of the awk script.
A valid CSV would be one that conforms to RFC 4180 or can be generated by MS-Excel.
The solution must tolerate the end of record just being LF (\n
) as is typical for UNIX files rather than CRLF (\r\n
) as that standard requires and Excel or other Windows tools would generate. It will also tolerate unquoted fields mixed with quoted fields. It will specifically not need to tolerate escaping "
s with a preceding backslash (i.e. \"
instead of ""
) as some other CSV formats allow - if you have that then adding a gsub(/\\"/,"\"\"")
up front would handle it and trying to handle both escaping mechanisms automatically in one script would make the script unnecessarily fragile and complicated.
Updated to reflect the release of GNU awk 5.3 for the --csv
option to enable CSV parsing (also available now in Kernighan's One True Awk so I expect the gawk 5.3
scripts below will also work there but I don't have a copy of onetrueawk
to test with):
If you have GNU awk 5.3 or later for --csv
(or equivalently -k
) and you neither have to retain the input quotes nor have a separator other than ,
reads multi-line records and splits quoted fields correctly.
awk --csv -v OFS=',' '
printf "Record %d:\n", NR
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
printf " $%d=<%s>\n", i, $i
print "----"
This automatically reads multi-line records that have newlines within quoted fields but you can only use ,
as a separator and "
as the field-surrounding quote with --csv
Note that --csv
automatically strips quotes from around quoted fields and converts escaped quotes (""
) within fields to single quotes ("
). That is usually the desired behavior but if it's not what you want there are alternatives below.
If you have GNU awk 4.0 or later for FPAT
splits quoted fields correctly but does not automatically read multi-line records so you need to implement that part.
awk -v FPAT='[^,]*|("([^"]|"")*")' -v OFS=',' '
function readRec( line,rec) {
# Keep reading lines until we have an even number of quotes
# as an incomplete record will have an uneven number.
rec = $0
while ( (gsub(/"/,"&",rec) % 2) && ((getline line) > 0) ) {
rec = rec RS line
$0 = rec
printf "Record %d:\n", ++recNr
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
# Convert <"foo"> to <foo> and <"foo""bar"> to <foo"bar>
gsub(/^"|"$/, "", $i)
gsub(/""/, "\"", $i)
printf " $%d=<%s>\n", i, $i
print "----"
You can use any character as a separator and any character as the field-surrounding quote with FPAT
since you define those and write some of the code to parse the input for them but you have to write your own code to read multi-line records.
See for info on the FPAT
setting I use above. That would also be a good choice if you have gawk 5.3+ but --csv
isn't a good option for you, e.g. because you need to retain quotes or use a different separator character.
If you have any modern* awk:
With neither --csv
nor FPAT
you have to implement both reading multi-line fields and splitting quoted fields correctly.
awk -F',' -v OFS=',' '
function readRec( line,rec) {
# Keep reading lines until we have an even number of quotes
# as an incomplete record will have an uneven number.
rec = $0
while ( (gsub(/"/,"&",rec) % 2) && ((getline line) > 0) ) {
rec = rec RS line
$0 = rec
function splitRec( orig,tail,fpat,fldNr) {
# You must call this function every time you change $0 to
# repopulate the fields taking quoted fields into account.
orig = tail = $0
$0 = ""
fpat = "([^" FS "]*)|(\"([^\"]|\"\")*\")"
while ( (tail != "") && match(tail,fpat) ) {
$(++fldNr) = substr(tail,RSTART,RLENGTH)
tail = substr(tail,RSTART+RLENGTH+1)
# If the original $0 ended with a null field we would exit the
# loop above before handling it so handle it here.
if ( orig ~ ("["FS"]$") ) {
$(++fldNr) = ""
printf "Record %d:\n", NR
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
# Convert <"foo"> to <foo> and <"foo""bar"> to <foo"bar>
gsub(/^"|"$/, "", $i)
gsub(/""/, "\"", $i)
printf " $%d=<%s>\n", i, $i
print "----"
You can use any character as a separator and any character as the field-surrounding quote with the above "any modern* awk" solution since you define those and write all of the code to parse the input for them and you also have to write your own code to read multi-line records.
Decrementing NR
and FNR
above is done because getline
increments them every time it reads a line to add to the record. Changing the value of NR
and FNR
is undefined behavior per POSIX, though, so if your awk doesn't support that then just create and use your own Fnr
and Nr
or similarly named variables to keep track of record numbers.
Some related information/scripts:
To add quotes to output fields when using --csv
By default given this input:
$ cat file
foo,"field 2 ""contains"" quotes, and comma",bar
you might expect this script which prints the first 2 fields:
awk --csv -v OFS=',' '{print $1,$2}' file
to produce this output:
foo,"field 2 ""contains"" quotes, and comma"
but it doesn't, it produces this output instead:
$ awk --csv -v OFS=',' '{print $1,$2}' file
foo,field 2 "contains" quotes, and comma
Note that field 2 from the input has now, probably undesirably, become 2 separate fields in the output as its surrounding quotes were stripped so the ,
that was inside of those quotes is now a separator.
If you want the output fields quoted then you need to manually add the quotes by doing whichever of the following makes sense for your application:
To add quotes around a field or any other string:
enquote(str) {
return "\"" str "\""
To add quotes around all fields:
enquote_all() {
for ( i=1; i<=NF; i++ ) {
$i = enquote($i)
To add quotes around only the fields that NEED to be quoted:
enquote_needed() {
for ( i=1; i<=NF; i++ ) {
if ( $i ~ /[\n,"]/ ) {
$i = enquote($i)
To retain the quotes that were present in the input
You need to use readRec()
and/or splitRec()
above, depending if you're using --csv
or neither. There is no way to make --csv
not remove quotes when populating fields and you cannot use --csv
and FPAT
, FS
together as using --csv
tells awk to ignore those other variables that otherwise control field splitting.
So, assuming your fields retain their original quotes, you can do the following or similar to conditionally reproduce those quotes in the output (and to also add new quotes if the field would otherwise be invalid CSV):
function dequote_cond(fldNr, had_quotes) {
had_quotes = ( gsub(/^"|"$/,"",$fldNr) || gsub(/""/,"\"",$fldNr) )
return had_quotes+0
function enquote_cond(fldNr,had_quotes, got_quotes) {
if ( had_quotes || ($fldNr ~ /[\n",]/) ) {
$fldNr = "\"" $fldNr "\""
got_quotes = 1
return got_quotes+0 # probably unused, for symmetry with dequote_cond()
q = dequote_cond(i)
$i = new value
To print fields with quotes removed if your CSV cannot contain newlines:
: Exactly the same as above
case that includes newlines in fields.FPAT
: The same as above FPAT
that includes newlines in fields except you don't need to define or
call readRec()
.If you don't want the quotes removed then, if using --csv
add quotes as described above, and if you're using either of the other solutions then don't remove the quotes with the 2 gsub()
To convert newlines within fields to blanks and commas within fields to semi-colons
If all you actually want to do is convert your CSV to a simpler version with individual lines by, say, replacing newlines with blanks and commas with semi-colons inside quoted fields (and have quoted fields in the output) then:
With GNU awk 3.0 or later for RT
awk -v RS='"([^"]|"")*"' -v ORS= '{
gsub(/\n/," ",RT)
print $0 RT
Otherwise: use one of the solutions discussed earlier that use readRec()
and add the 2 gsub()s
above in a loop on the fields.
If you want a CSV but have a different character than ,
as your delimiter.
If you have a CSV-like file that uses tabs or ;
s or |
s or some other character to separate fields then you can do the following using any awk to convert your file to CSV:
$ cat changeSeps.awk
FS = OFS = "\""
if ( (old == "") || (new == "") ) {
printf "Error: old=\047%s\047 and/or new=\047%s\047 separator string missing.\n", old, new |"cat>&2"
printf "Usage: awk -v old=\047;\047 -v new=\047,\047 -f changeSeps.awk infile [> outfile]\n" |"cat>&2"
err = 1
sanitized_old = old
sanitized_new = new
# Ensure all regexp and replacement chars get treated as literal
gsub(/[^^\\]/,"[&]",sanitized_old) # regexp: char other than ^ or \ -> [char]
gsub(/\\/,"\\\\",sanitized_old) # regexp: \ -> \\
gsub(/\^/,"\\^",sanitized_old) # regexp: ^ -> \^
gsub(/[&]/,"\\\\&",sanitized_new) # replacement: & -> \\&
$0 = prev ors $0
prev = $0
ors = ORS
NF%2 {
for ( i=1; i<=NF; i+=2 ) {
cnt += gsub(sanitized_old,sanitized_new,$i)
prev = ors = ""
if ( !err ) {
printf "Converted %d \047%s\047 field separators to \047%s\047s.\n", cnt+0, old, new |"cat>&2"
exit err
which you'd call as, for example to change ;
-separated to ,
-separated format:
awk -v old=';' -v new=',' -f changeSeps.awk file
If you have DOS/Windows line endings
With Windows \r\n
line endings, e.g. as in a CSV exported from Excel, processing can be simpler than the above as the "newlines" within each field can often actually just be line feeds (i.e. \n
s) and so you can set RS="\r\n"
(using GNU awk for multi-char RS) and then the \n
s within fields will not be treated as line endings so all you additionally need to parse CSV is to set FPAT
. Sometimes, though, the underlying C primitives will not pass along the \r
to gawk and you'd need to set -v BINMODE=3
on the gawk command line to see them.
To print fields from a CSV by the column header names rather than field numbers
Using any awk:
$ cat file.csv
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
NR==1 {
for ( i=1; i<=NF; i++ ) {
f[$i] = i
{ print $(f["etc"]), $(f["foo"]) }
' file.csv
Other notes
*I say "modern awk" above because there's apparently extremely old (i.e. circa 2000) versions of tawk
and mawk1
still around which have bugs in their gsub()
implementation such that gsub(/^"|"$/,"",fldStr)
would not remove the start/end "
s from fldStr
. If you're using one of those then get a new awk, preferably gawk
, as there could be other issues with them too but if that's not an option then I expect you can work around that particular bug by changing this:
to this:
Thanks to the following people for identifying and suggesting solutions to the stated issues with the original version of this answer:
Related: also see How do I use awk under cygwin to print fields from an excel spreadsheet? for how to generate CSVs from Excel spreadsheets.