
Bad grammar SQL Exception while reading the values using rowmapper

This is my Model class


    public class CustomerData {

        private String locomotive_id;
        private String customer_name;
        private String road_number;
        private String locomotive_type_code;
        private String in_service_date;
        private String part_number;
        private String emission_tier_type;
        private String airbrake_type_code;
        private String lms_fleet;
        private String aar_road;
        private String locomotive_status_code;

        // Getters and Setters

Here is my RowMapper implementation


    public class CustomerDataResponseMapper implements RowMapper {

    public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int count) throws SQLException {
        CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData();


        return customerData;


And finally, I got my DaoImpl class here

    public String getCustomersData(String locoId, String custName, String roadNumber) {
        CustomerData resultSet = null;
        String str = "";
        if (locoId != null && locoId.length() > 0 && !(locoId.equals("0"))) {
            str = "select   locomotive_id,customer_name,road_number,model_type as locomotive_type_code,to_char(in_service_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as in_service_date,loco_part_number as part_number,    emission_tier_type as emission_tier_type, "
                    + "air_brake_type as airbrake_type_code,lms_fleet,aar_road,locomotive_status_code   from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail  where locomotive_id = ?";
            resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper(), locoId);
        } else if ((custName != null && custName.length() > 0)
                && (roadNumber != null && roadNumber.length() > 0 && roadNumber != "0")) {
            str = "select   locomotive_id,customer_name,road_number,model_type as locomotive_type_code,to_char(in_service_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') as in_service_date,loco_part_number as part_number,    emission_tier_type as emission_tier_type, "
                    + "air_brake_type as airbrake_type_code,lms_fleet,aar_road,locomotive_status_code   from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail  where customer_name = ? and road_number= ?";
            resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper(), custName, roadNumber);
        } else {
            str = "select distinct customer_name from get_rdf_explorer.get_rdf_locomotive_detail order by customer_name asc";
            resultSet = (CustomerData) jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(str, new CustomerDataResponseMapper());
        return resultSet.toString();

How can I conditionally get the values from the resultSet based on whether a particular column is present in the resultSet or not. As I am not getting all the columns all the time through my queries.

I am getting SQL bad grammar exception when specific column is not present in resultSet. For example when the third query to get distinct customer names get executed, in the resultSet only customerName would be there, but not the other columns.

It would be really a great help. Thanks a lot in advance.


  • If numbers of columns are not fix then you should go with ColumnMapRowMapper based on its implementation even you do not require to create separate concrete class of RowMapper (i.e. CustomerDataResponseMapper ) you just need to pass instance of ColumnMapRowMapper in query as given below:

    ColumnMapRowMapper rowMapper = new ColumnMapRowMapper();
    List<Map<String, Object>> customerDataList =  jdbcTemplate.query(sql,rowMapper, args);

    Now you should create one method to manipulate this map like

        private CustomerData fillCustomerDataFromMap(List<Map<String, Object>> customerDataList){
                CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData();
                for(Map<String, Object> map: customerDataList ){
            return customerData;

    This is more readable and remove the boilerplate codes and not throw any exception if column name is not present in map (it will simply returns null if column name is not present in map)

    Reference of ColumnMapRowMapper :