
XSLT for each (group?) with sorted two elements named as Code and Value

i need to transfer file xml to xfdf. And I have group with two element types code and value. Code is defining name of field and value is value of field. XML source is like this:

  <urn:identificationCode>ičdph</urn:identificationCode>     <!-- IC DPH -->
  <urn:identificationCode>ičo_sk</urn:identificationCode>      <!-- ICO (SK) -->
  <urn:identificationCode>ic</urn:identificationCode>      <!-- ICO (CZ) -->

And I need something like this by XSLT to XFDF.

 <field name="dateOfBirth">
 <field name="ičdph">
 <field name="ičo_sk">
 <field name="ic">

What I need to use? How? for-each-group? or som sets? Thank you very much.


  • If they always come in ordered pairs as shown in your example, then you could do simply:

    <xsl:template match="urn:identifications">
            <xsl:for-each select="urn:identificationCode">
                <field name="{.}">
                        <xsl:value-of select="following-sibling::urn:identificationValue[1]"/>