I have created SSRS report on the TFS server for the Changeset ID. I want to add a column which will also mention the task numbers associated with every changeset ID as there may be different tasks for one changeset ID. Please can you suggest me some solution.
SELECT --distinct
FROM tbl_changeset as c
tbl_IdentityMap IM
ON C.OwnerID = IM.localId
JOIN tfs_configuration.dbo.tbl_Identity u
ON IM.MasterID = u.Id
[tbl_Version] v
ON v.VersionFrom = c.ChangeSetId
[dbo].[vw_projects] p
ON p.DataspaceId = v.ItemDataspaceId
WHERE p.project_name = 'XXXX'
ORDER BY C.CreationDate,
C.ChangeSetID DESC
I tested the query wrote by @kevchadders against TFS 2015, it works fine.
So, you can custom your report accordingly based on the query.
To review the result, you can run the below query directly on your Sql Server:
dwi.System_title AS 'Title'
,dcs.ChangesetID AS 'ChangeSetID'
,dwi.System_id AS 'WorkItemID'
FROM [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[DimFile] df
JOIN [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[FactCodeChurn] fcc ON df.FileSK = fcc.FilenameSK
JOIN [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[FactWorkItemChangeset] fwi ON fcc.ChangesetSK = fwi.ChangesetSK
JOIN [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[DimWorkItem] dwi ON fwi.WorkItemID = dwi.System_id
AND fwi.TeamProjectCollectionSK = dwi.TeamProjectCollectionSK
AND fwi.RemovedDateTime = CONVERT(DATETIME, N'9999', 126)
JOIN [Tfs_Warehouse].[dbo].[DimChangeset] dcs ON dcs.ChangesetSK = fcc.ChangesetSK
WHERE dwi.System_revisedDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, N'9999', 126)
--AND df.FilePath LIKE '%$repositorylocation%'
--AND dwi.System_WorkItemType IN ('Product Backlog Item', 'Task', 'Bug')
ORDER BY dcs.ChangesetID
Besides, you can also reference this article if you want to export the changeset report to excel:
Find Changeset details for all work items in a TFS Query
For the TFS Warehouse cannot be used issue:
The data warehouse schema changed, the existing warehouse database was out of date. So, you can try to create a new warehouse then rebuild in the Admin Console.
Reference this article to fix that: http://blogs.ripple-rock.com/richarderwin/2014/11/06/TFSWarehouseTheDatabaseYouSpecifiedCannotBeUsed.aspx