I am trying to integrate Zendesk feedback view in my iOS application. I am able to open the Zendesk window as well but when I try to send feedback to Zendesk, it fails with the message "Ticket failed to send". Below are the steps I did :
Initialise the Zendesk SDK in the appdelegate :
ZDKConfig.instance().initialize(withAppId: "APPID",zendeskUrl: "https://sumeet07.zendesk.com",clientId: "mobile_sdk_client_CLIENTID")
And then I used below code to show Zendesk Feedback form :
ZDKRequests.presentRequestCreation(with: rootViewController)
It shows the feedback form but when I try to submit the feedback, It shows the error.
May be the format of question I ask is not good but may be you can understand what exactly I am asking.
Thank you
Just add the following lines in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions,
let identity = ZDKAnonymousIdentity()
ZDKConfig.instance().userIdentity = identity
and also make sure AppId, zendeskUrl and clientId same as like in Zendesk.