
dbus-python how to return array of dictionaries

I am on Ubuntu 16.04 and using Python Dbus. I want to return a list of dictionaries over DBus to my client but seem to only be able to return an array of strings. If I changed my dbus signature decorator to 'as{v}', I get an exception: "ValueError: Corrupt type signature". How can I return a list of dictionaries over DBus?

   @dbus.service.method("com.example.service.BtScanList", in_signature='', out_signature='as')
   def getScanList(self):
      btMsg("Starting BT Scan List...")
      # Populate device lists ( returns dictionary --> { 'mac_address' : xxx , 'name' : xxx }
      self.discoveredDevs = self.getScannedDevices()
      returnList = []
      for dev in self.discoveredDevs:
      return returnList

EDIT: This also does NOT work:

   @dbus.service.method("com.example.service.BtScanList", in_signature='', out_signature='a{sv}')
   def getScanList(self):
      btMsg("Starting BT Scan List...")
      # Populate device lists ( returns dictionary --> { 'mac_address' : xxx , 'name' : xxx }
      self.discoveredDevs = self.getScannedDevices()
      returnList = dbus.Array()
      for dev in self.discoveredDevs:
          returnList.append(dbus.Dictionary(dev, signature='sv'))
      return returnList


  • I figured it out, answer is here:

       @dbus.service.method("com.example.service.BtPairedList", in_signature='', out_signature='aa{ss}')
       def getPairedList(self):
          btMsg("Starting BT Paired List...")
          # Populate device lists ( returns dictionary --> { 'mac_address' : xxx , 'name' : xxx }
          self.pairedDevs = self.getPairedDevices()
          returnList = dbus.Array()
          for dev in self.pairedDevs:
              returnList.append(dbus.Dictionary(dev, signature='sv'))
          return returnList