
how to use road speed per request in graphhopper routing

As per the graphhopper 0.9 release, it says

A new graph change API to change road speed and access properties, #845. Can be applied before preprocessing or per-request.

how do i use it, can someone point me to the documentation with example ?

thanks for your support


  • Indeed there is no good documentation at the moment. Have a look into the tests:

    1. Disable speed mode - set in the
    2. Create a GeoJSON where e.g. you want to change the access properties to false (blocking):

           "type": "FeatureCollection",
           "features": [{
             "type": "Feature",
             "geometry": {
               "type": "Point",
               "coordinates": [1.521692, 42.522969]
             "properties": {
               "vehicles": ["car"],
               "access": false
    3. Then POST this as json to the /change endpoint.

    Please note that in 0.9.0

    You can also use the Java equivalent.

    Please see this issue to improve the documentation.