
cmake could not find required package TIFF

I'm trying to build an application via cmake 3.9.0. Cmake keeps complaining about the inability to find the tiff library: CMake error at CMakeModules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:51 (Message): Could not find REQUIRED package TIFF). I tried to install the library via sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev but was still getting the same message. Then I checked-out the source code for libtiff 4 and built it from the source. Now I think we can hint the cmake with the location where to look for the libtiff via setting the variables TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR, TIFF_INCLUDE_DIRS, etc as described here: However I have failed in wiring the right values for the variables. Can somebody show me an example of sample libtiff instalation and the sample values for the configuration variable in order cmake would find the TIFF. Or is here another option how to show CMake where does the TIFF library lie?


  • cd build
    cmake -DTIFF_INCLUDE_DIR=<dir> -DTIFF_LIBRARY=<filename> -GNinja ..
    cmake --build .

    Alternatively, you can modify the variables in your CMakeLists.txt before calling find_package():

    set(TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR "<dir>")
    set(TIFF_LIBRARY "<filename>")
    add_executable(myexe TIFF::TIFF)

    where <dir> is the include directory path and <filename> is the exact file path to the library.