
jenkins upload file to artifactory failed, I got 413 error

Error Log:

For pattern: EMB5216_DO/DEVELOPER/SCTF/OUT/* 23 artifacts were found. 
17:32:52 Deploying artifact: 
17:32:52 Deploying artifact: 
17:32:52 Deploying artifact: 
17:32:53 Deploying artifact: 
17:32:53 Deploying artifact: 

Response received: <html> <head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head> 17:32:53 <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.11.8</center> </body> </html> 

17:32:53 Failed while reading the response from: PUT;vcs.revision=3f031a59068b91dfcc6647d44584f07a0c734f93;build.timestamp=1501665987574;;build.number=232 HTTP/1.1 
17:32:53 ERROR: remote file operation failed: /opt/workspace/LTEV5_SCTF at hudson.remoting.Channel@18021228:Channel to / Failed to deploy file. Status code: 413

there is no nginx server in ci system , cannot modify nginx.conf to resolve this question.

jenkins version:2.46.2
artifactory plugin version:2.12.2
artifactory-oss version:4.14

thanks a lot


  • Could you check how large your biggest artifact is?

    Your nginx application sever doesn't accept files that exceed a certain file size.

    Have a look at your nginx configurations. This article might help you: