
currency default style on osclass

Hi guys i have a problem with the currency field!

When you are using one currency only you receive the default style! See image!

When you are using two or more currency's you receive a drop down box!

What i want to have is a box with the currency inside but a read only function!

This is on the item-post.php on osclass and this is the code! how do i need to change this?

<?php ItemForm::currency_select(); ?> 

Default currency style


  • if you have only one currency and this currency is the default one.

    try this

    <input name="currency" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="<?php echo osc_currency()?>">

    And in your css try this

    input[type="text"]:disabled {
    background: #dddddd;

    See the helpers of osclass which are here :

    Try it and tell me.