
How to skip generation of testBuilder with AutoValue in generic class

Autovalue version: 1.3

Given the following class:

public abstract class SimpleClass<T> {
    public static <E> SimpleClass<E> create(Set<? extends E> someField) {
        return SimpleClass.<E>builder().someField(someField).build();

    public static <E> Builder<E> builder() {
        return new AutoValue_SimpleClass.Builder<E>();

    public abstract ImmutableSet<T> someField();

    public abstract static class Builder<T> {
        public abstract Builder<T> someField(Set<? extends T> someField);
        public abstract SimpleClass<T> build();

When auto builder generates the sources for the above class, it generates something like:

final class AutoValue_SimpleClass<T> extends $AutoValue_SimpleClass<T> {
  AutoValue_SimpleClass(ImmutableSet<T> someField) {

  static SimpleClass.Builder<E> testBuilder() {
      return builder();

Notice how the generic method testBuilder is incorrectly generated because it needs <E> after static.

This is what should have been generated:

static <E> SimpleClass.Builder<E> testBuilder() {
    return builder();

Is there a way to not have this testBuilder method generated or a way to ensure that AutoValue generates the right sources?


EDIT: Just updated to 1.4 and the same thing is still happening

Issue on GH:


  • Solution was surprisingly not too involved:

    Just rename the static builder method

    public abstract class SimpleClass<T> {
        public static <E> SimpleClass<E> create(Set<? extends E> someField) {
            return SimpleClass.<E>getBuilder().someField(someField).build();
        public static <E> Builder<E> getBuilder() {
            return new AutoValue_SimpleClass.Builder<E>();
        public abstract ImmutableSet<T> someField();
        public abstract static class Builder<T> {
            public abstract Builder<T> someField(Set<? extends T> someField);
            public abstract SimpleClass<T> build();

    This means testBuilder method is no longer generated.