I want to deploy a custom model from WKS (Watson Knowledge Studio) to my WDS (Watson Discovery Service) being hosted on Bluemix but I can't do so through WKS UI (by pressing "Deploy" button as suggested by https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/doc/wks/publish-ml.html#wks_madiscovery) because my WKS was created via Blumix Dedicated/Local environment via syndication, hence not accessible publicly. Therefore, to workaround, I'm wondering if I can export my model as zip (ref: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27048147&aid=1) and import it into my WDS via API or other means. Any suggestion or advise? Do you think it is possible? Any thought is welcome!!!
You can deploy WKS model onto Discovery via only WKS UI. The ZIP file exported from WKS is available only for importing WEX, not Discovery/NLU.