
Uploadify / uploadifive - clearing queue on the submitting of form

I am using uploadifive plugin for multi-file uploading. It works great but now i have find a bug in my implementation that queue is not clearing after creating a record. If record is created then uploadifive should show empty queue for new record but it shows old queued files which were previously uploaded. My logic is Ajax and java-script driven and i am not refreshing page after form get submitted(if page refreshed then queue is white and clean which is obvious :) ).

Following is the code which i used to activate uploadifive for my file type input:

    'fileTypeDesc' : 'Image Files',
    'fileTypeExts' : '*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg',
    'fileType'  : ['image/png','image/jpg','image/jpeg'],
    'auto'             : false,
    'checkScript'      : 'uploadify_envc.php?checkexist=true',
    'formData'         : {
        'timestamp' : curDateTime,

        'token'     : 'df324523adg34qtfgiui',
        'doc_type'     : 'docs',
        'somenewval'     : $("select#dropdown_control").val(),
    'buttonText'          : 'Upload Document(s)',
    'queueID'          : 'xyz_uploader_queue',
    'auto'     : true,
    'uploadScript'     : 'uploadify_envc.php?injury='+$("select#dropdown_control").val(),
    'onUploadComplete' : function(file, data) { HandleUploadiFiveDocs(file,data,"docs");    }

When i submitting data using JS function, i call this function in return of Ajax call to clear queued files:


But this is not working. I have tested it via browser console and in java-script function but both are not working.

So can you guys tell me that how can i clear uploadifive queue using java-script command?


  • first using


    and then re-constructing object worked for me. Like following :

        'fileTypeDesc' : 'Image Files',
        'fileTypeExts' : '*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg',
        'fileType'  : ['image/png','image/jpg','image/jpeg'],
        'auto'             : false,
        'checkScript'      : 'uploadify_envc.php?checkexist=true',
        'formData'         : {
            'timestamp' : curDateTime,
            'token'     : 'df324523adg34qtfgiui',
            'doc_type'     : 'docs',
            'somenewval'     : $("select#dropdown_control").val(),
        'buttonText'          : 'Upload Document(s)',
        'queueID'          : 'xyz_uploader_queue',
        'auto'     : true,
        'uploadScript'     : 'uploadify_envc.php?injury='+$("select#dropdown_control").val(),
        'onUploadComplete' : function(file, data) { HandleUploadiFiveDocs(file,data,"docs");    }

    Try it and it will work for you guys as well. i have found that while looking into core functions. Anyhow it was disappointing to get no support from here.