
QML connect signal from the main component to the child components

I have a Qt application that calls qt_update_values() to the main QML component. I want to send the new values to a specific delegate. How do I connect update_values() from the main component to be received by a specific child component, which is defined in another qml?

I have tried defining Connections in the child, but I am not sure what target I need to define...

In the main.qml i have something similar to this:

signal update_values(new_values)

function qt_update_values(newValues){

Repeater {
     model: 3

     Rectangle {

         Text{ text: "hello"}

         AnotherComponent {name: "name", othervariables: "others"}

Then on AnotherComponent.qml i have:

signal update_values_child(new_values)

function onUpdate_values(newValues){
     textid = newValues;

Text{ id:textid}


  • You don't connect from the parent to the main, but the other way around like this:

    id: idOfTheParent  // <=== THIS IS IMPORTANT
    signal update_values(new_values)
    function qt_update_values(newValues){
    Repeater {
        model: 3
        Rectangle {
            Text{ text: "hello"}
            AnotherComponent {
                id: idOfAnotherComponent // This ID is only available in the 
                                         // scope of the Component
                                         // that will be instantiated by the
                                         // Repeater, i.e. children of the Rectangle
                name: "name"
                othervariables: "others"
            Connections {
                target: idOfTheParent
                onUpdate_values: idOfAnotherComponent.dosomethingWith(new_values)

    You could also use signal.connect() to add new connections

    Repeater {
        model: 10
        delegate: Item { ... }
        onItemAdded: {
            idOfTheParent.update_values.connect(function() { // do what you want })

    But if it is only broadcasting of a new value, the declarative way would be, to have properties in your delegate, and bind them to the properties that held the changeing values:

    id: idOfTheParent
    property var valueThatWillChange
    Repeater {
        model: 10
        delegate: Item {
            property int valueThatShallChangeToo: idOfTheParent.valueThatWillChange

    To have all of it with different signals ofc. is possible:

    For the Connections-solution the simplest thing is to call doSomething only if it is the right delegate instance:

    // in the delegate
    Connections {
        target: idOfTheParent
        onValue1Updated: if (index === 1) doYourStuff()
        onValue2Updated: if (index === 2) doYourStuff()

    But this is easier with the second method:

    id: idOfTheParent
    Repeater {
        model: 10
        delegate: SomeItem {
            function doSomething() { console.log(index, 'does something')
        onItemAdded: {
            idOfTheParent['value' + index + 'Updated'].connect(item.doSomething)
        onItemRemoved: {
            idOfTheParent['value' + index + 'Updated'].disconnect(item.doSomething)