I have an OpenSuse 42.3 docker container image that I created which has a single user, which we will call 'streamuser'. I would like this to be the user that is active whenever anyone creates a container from my image. I have mounted the host's home directory to the home directory of streamuser. The trouble that I'm having is that if I run the Docker container on a Linux host, streamusercan not write anything to the host directories. This is because streamuser does not share the same UID and GID as the host. Is there a clean way to resolve this issue that avoids me setting the default user account in the image to the root account? If I login as root in the container, then I can write to the linux host, but this is undesirable.
My docker call is:
docker run -it -d --name ${containerName} --user="streamuser" \
--workdir="/home/streamuser" --volume="${home}:/home/streamuser" \
${imageName} /bin/bash -rcfile /opt/Codebase/image_env_setup_v206.sh
I have seen a solution where someone used the --volume option as passed the host passwd, sudoers, etc files up to the container. I don't like this option because it overwrites my crafted environment within the container, and it seems like a ham-fisted solution.
My dockerfile is:
FROM opensuse:42.3
RUN zypper update -y && \
zypper install -y \
sudo \
vim \
gcc-fortran \
infinipath-psm-devel \
openmpi \
openmpi-devel \
openmpi-libs \
hdf5-openmpi \
blas-devel \
blas-devel-static \
lapack-devel \
RUN echo "root:streamuser_2017" | chpasswd
RUN useradd -m streamuser
RUN passwd -d streamuser
CMD /bin/bash
RUN mkdir -p -m0755 \
/opt/codeA/lib \
/opt/codeA/bin \
/opt/codeB/lib \
/opt/codeC/lib \
/opt/codeC/bin \
USER streamuser
WORKDIR /home/streamuser
RUN source $HOME/.bashrc
COPY ./Docker/critical_dependencies/codeA_lib/* /opt/codeA/lib/
COPY ./Docker/critical_dependencies/codeA_bin/* /opt/codeA/bin/
COPY ./Docker/critical_dependencies/codeB_lib/* /opt/codeB/lib/
COPY ./Docker/critical_dependencies/petsc_lib/* /opt/petsc/lib/
COPY ./lib/* /opt/codeC/lib/
COPY ./bin/* /opt/codeC/bin/
COPY ./Docker/image_env_setup_v206.sh /opt/codeC
RUN source /opt/codeC/image_env_setup_v206.sh
You could add fixuid (by Caleb Lloyd) in your Dockerfile image.
See moby/moby
issue 7198:
We have created a workaround for this issue that changes a Docker container's user/group and file permissions that were set at build time to the UID/GID that the container was started with at runtime.
The project and install instructions are at: https://github.com/boxboat/fixuid
- Docker container was built using user/group
as UID/GID1000:1000
.- Host is running as UID/GID
.- Image is run with
docker run -u 1001:1002
- change dockeruser UID to
- change dockergroup GID to
- change all file permissions for old
- update
inside container to dockeruser$HOME
- now container and host UID/GID match and files created in the container on host mounts will match.
It can run as the
or as part of a startup script. It is installed in the container as a binary owned byroot
with thesetuid
bit, and escalates privileges to make the appropriate changes. It should only be used in development containers.