I have a giant checkedboxlist that I have created that I need a button to clear all of the checked items with. Here is what I have:
$btnResetGroups_Click = {
foreach ($chkbox in $chklistGroups)
$chkbox.ClearSelected() # I tried to do $chkbox.Checked = $false but it doesn't recognize 'checked' as a property
# $chklistGroups.ClearSelected()
Is there a reason why this doesn't work?
EDIT: This is the code that populates the checkboxlist:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# read in the XML files
[xml]$NewUserXML = Get-Content -LiteralPath \\papertransport.com\files\UserDocuments\mneis\Code\XML\NewUserTest.xml
# popoulate the checklist with the groups from active directory
$AD_ResourceGroups = Get-ADGroup -filter * -SearchBase "OU=Resource Groups,OU=Groups,OU=Paper Transport,DC=papertransport,DC=com"
$AD_ResourceGroups | ForEach-Object { $chklistGroups.Items.Add($_.name) }
To ensure that every checkbox is unchecked when the button is clicked the code must loop through the container holding the Checkboxes.
$btnResetGroups_Click = {
# get the container (in this case it looks like a list box)
$myCheckBoxes = $myListBox.Items
# next loop through each checkbox in the array of checkbox objects
foreach ($chkbox in $myCheckBoxes)
$chkbox.Checked = $false
This will ensure that every checkbox in the container is set to false. From the style of the GUI I'm assuming this is WPF and not Winforms.