I'm currently building a top down racer, however I'm trying to get accurate collision detection with static square objects.
What would be the best method for this?
Here is a portion of my code:
class VehicleSprite(Entity):
def __init__(self, images, position):
self.src_images = images
self.images = images
self.rect = self.images.get_rect(center=position)
self.position = pygame.math.Vector2(position)
self.velocity = pygame.math.Vector2(0, 0)
self.speed = self.direction = 0
self.k_left = self.k_right = self.k_down = self.k_up = 0
self.width = 28
self.height = 64
self.numImages = 8
self.cImage = 0
def update(self, time):
self.speed += self.k_up + self.k_down
# To clamp the speed.
self.speed = max(-self.MAX_REVERSE_SPEED,
min(self.speed, self.MAX_FORWARD_SPEED))
# Degrees sprite is facing (direction)
self.direction += (self.k_right + self.k_left)
rad = math.radians(self.direction)
self.velocity.x = -self.speed*math.sin(rad)
self.velocity.y = -self.speed*math.cos(rad)
self.position += self.velocity
if (self.cImage >= self.numImages - 1):
self.cImage = 0
self.cImage += 1
self.images = pygame.transform.rotate(self.src_images, self.direction)
self.rect = self.images.get_rect(center=self.position)
def render(self, screen, camera):
screen.blit(self.images, (self.rect.topleft+camera), (self.cImage*self.width, 0, self.width, self.height))
And here is the collision detection bit:
for sprite in all_sprites:
for crate in crates:
for crate in crates:
screen.blit(power_img, crate.position+camera)
# Collision with crate
if ((purple_bike.position.x >= crate.x) and purple_bike.position.x < (crate.x + crate.width) or (purple_bike.position.x + purple_bike.width) > crate.x and purple_bike.position.x + purple_bike.width < crate.x + crate.width) and ((purple_bike.position.y > crate.y) and purple_bike.position.y < (crate.y + crate.height) or (purple_bike.position.y + purple_bike.height) > crate.y and (purple_bike.position.y + purple_bike.height) < (crate.y + crate.height)):
purple_bike.speed = 0
Here's an example that shows you how to use Pymunk in conjunction with pygame to get rotating hitboxes/collision rects. The green outlines are the edges of the Pymunk shapes and the blue rects are the pygame rects whose sole purpose is to store the blit position of the sprite. It takes some time to familiarize yourself with Pymunk, but it's one of the best ways to implement rotating, arbitrarily shaped hitboxes in pygame.
import sys
import math
import pygame as pg
import pymunk as pm
from pymunk import Vec2d
def flipy(p):
"""Convert chipmunk coordinates to pygame coordinates."""
return Vec2d(p[0], -p[1]+600)
class Player(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, pos, space, mass=0.3):
self.image = pg.Surface((52, 72), pg.SRCALPHA)
pg.draw.polygon(self.image, pg.Color('steelblue2'),
[(1, 72), (26, 1), (51, 72)])
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=pos)
self.orig_image = self.image
# The verts for the Pymunk shape in relation
# to the sprite's center.
vertices = [(0, 36), (26, -36), (-26, -36)]
# Create the physics body and shape of this object.
moment = pm.moment_for_poly(mass, vertices)
self.body = pm.Body(mass, moment)
self.shape = pm.Poly(self.body, vertices, radius=3)
self.shape.friction = .8
self.shape.elasticity = .2
self.body.position = pos
# Add them to the Pymunk space.
self.space = space
self.space.add(self.body, self.shape)
self.accel_forw = False
self.accel_back = False
self.turn_left = False
self.turn_right = False
self.topspeed = 1790
self.angle = 0
def handle_event(self, event):
if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pg.K_w:
self.accel_forw = True
if event.key == pg.K_a:
self.turn_left = True
if event.key == pg.K_d:
self.turn_right = True
if event.key == pg.K_s:
self.accel_back = True
if event.type == pg.KEYUP:
if event.key == pg.K_w:
self.accel_forw = False
if event.key == pg.K_a:
self.turn_left = False
if event.key == pg.K_d:
self.turn_right = False
if event.key == pg.K_s:
self.accel_back = False
def update(self, dt):
# Accelerate the pymunk body of this sprite.
if self.accel_forw and self.body.velocity.length < self.topspeed:
self.body.apply_force_at_local_point(Vec2d(0, 624), Vec2d(0, 0))
if self.accel_back and self.body.velocity.length < self.topspeed:
self.body.apply_force_at_local_point(Vec2d(0, -514), Vec2d(0, 0))
if self.turn_left and self.body.velocity.length < self.topspeed:
self.body.angle += .1
self.body.angular_velocity = 0
if self.turn_right and self.body.velocity.length < self.topspeed:
self.body.angle -= .1
self.body.angular_velocity = 0
# Rotate the image of the sprite.
self.angle = self.body.angle
self.rect.center = flipy(self.body.position)
self.image = pg.transform.rotozoom(
self.orig_image, math.degrees(self.body.angle), 1)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.rect.center)
class Wall(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, pos, verts, space, mass, *sprite_groups):
# Determine the width and height of the surface.
width = max(v[0] for v in verts)
height = max(v[1] for v in verts)
self.image = pg.Surface((width, height), pg.SRCALPHA)
pg.draw.polygon(self.image, pg.Color('sienna1'), verts)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)
moment = pm.moment_for_poly(mass, verts)
self.body = pm.Body(mass, moment, pm.Body.STATIC)
# Need to transform the vertices for the pymunk poly shape,
# so that they fit to the image vertices.
verts2 = [(x, -y) for x, y in verts]
self.shape = pm.Poly(self.body, verts2, radius=2)
self.shape.friction = 1.0
self.shape.elasticity = .52
self.body.position = flipy(pos)
self.space = space
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.done = False
self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((800, 600))
self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
self.bg_color = pg.Color(60, 60, 60)
self.space = pm.Space()
self.space.gravity = Vec2d(0.0, 0.0)
self.space.damping = .4
self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group()
self.player = Player((100, 300), self.space)
# Position-vertices tuples for the walls.
vertices = [
([80, 120], ((0, 0), (100, 0), (70, 100), (0, 100))),
([400, 250], ((20, 40), (100, 0), (80, 80), (10, 100))),
([200, 450], ((20, 40), (300, 0), (300, 120), (10, 100))),
([760, 10], ((0, 0), (30, 0), (30, 420), (0, 400))),
for pos, verts in vertices:
Wall(pos, verts, self.space, 1, self.all_sprites)
def run(self):
while not self.done:
self.dt = self.clock.tick(30) / 1000
def handle_events(self):
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
self.done = True
def run_logic(self):
def draw(self):
# Debug draw - Pymunk shapes are green, pygame rects are blue.
for obj in self.all_sprites:
shape = obj.shape
ps = [flipy(pos.rotated(shape.body.angle) + shape.body.position)
for pos in shape.get_vertices()]
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, pg.Color('blue'), obj.rect, 2)
pg.draw.lines(self.screen, (90, 200, 50), False, ps, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':