My code below is designed to retrieve data (and its metadata) with authentication through an API endpoint, and return all metadata into a dataframe. I want to create a nested function to repeat this same process for another API endpoint with the same authentication and append the result from the second endpoint to the first, into a single dataframe (they both have the same data structure and headers). I don't know where in this process should I put link_to_endpoint2, and how to do the nesting, and append the results, etc.
get_data <- function(uid, credentials, root_url) {
cookie <- credentials$cookie
token <- credentials$token
start_time <- Sys.time()
print (start_time)
url <- paste0(root_url, 'link_to_endpoint1', uid)
resp <- httr::GET(url,
httr::add_headers(.headers = c(`Content-Type` = "application/json",
Cookie = cookie, `X-CSRF-Token` = token)),
body = body,
encode = "json")
resources <- httr::content(resp)
access_check <- resources$result$error
msg = 'Access denied')
resources <- resources$result[[1]]$resources
res_ids <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'id')
res_urls <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'url')
res_desc <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'description')
res_format <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'format')
res_rclass <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'data_classification_of_file')
res_rtype <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'mimetype')
res_rname <- purrr::map_chr(resources, 'name')
out <- data.frame(res_ids,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
out$id <- uid
end_time <- Sys.time()
print (end_time)
process_time <- (end_time - start_time)
You'll have to test this solution but you can try
Changing these lines to
# Old line
New line
# get_data <- function(uid, credentials, root_url) {
get_data <- function(uid, credentials, root_url, link) {
# url <- paste0(root_url, 'link_to_endpoint1', uid)
url <- paste0(root_url, link, uid)
Then you could call this function with (assuming you have already loaded purrr
links <- c('link_to_endpoint1', 'link_to_endpoint2')
desired <- map_df(links, ~get_data(uid, credentials, root_url, .x))