I'm looking for a driver for the E-Ink display from waveshare
I can find drivers for Arduino and Raspberry-PI. Is there also a driver for ESP8266. Currently, I'm trying to understand the Arduino driver and create an own driver for the ESP8266, but as I am a java developer I'm not a good c developer.
I hope anyone can help me, thanks!
The driver works also for the ESP8266 (I am using the Nodemcu v3). I've used the following pin-mapping in EPD_drive_gpio.h:
#define CS D8
#define EPD_CS_0 digitalWrite(CS,LOW)
#define EPD_CS_1 digitalWrite(CS,HIGH)
#define isEPD_CS digitalRead(CS)
#define RST D3
#define EPD_RST_0 digitalWrite(RST,LOW)
#define EPD_RST_1 digitalWrite(RST,HIGH)
#define isEPD_RST digitalRead(RST)
#define DC D2
#define EPD_DC_0 digitalWrite (DC,LOW)
#define EPD_DC_1 digitalWrite (DC,HIGH)
#define BUSY D1
#define isEPD_BUSY digitalRead(BUSY)
#define EPD_BUSY_LEVEL 0
extern void SPI_Write(unsigned char value);
extern void driver_delay_xms(unsigned long xms);