
Workfront (Attask) API: Is there a way to clear/reset 'commitDate' on a task?

Pretty much exactly the title, I'm wondering if there is a way to clear/reset the commitDate field of a task. For example, I'm trying the following request to the API. I get no errors, but when I query the task again it shows no changes to the commitDate field.{"taskConstraint": "MSO", "commitDate":"","constraintDate":"2017-08-07"}&fields=commitDate,plannedCompletionDate,actualCompletionDate,constraintDate&sessionID=12345

I've also tried all other variations of this request that I could think of, including using null as the commitDate value, but they all return the same results. No error. No change to commitDate field.

The only thing I can think of is that possibly there is something the actual task is missing. The task I'm testing on is a dummy task, so maybe I missed something while creating it, but it does have a commitDate, so I'm not sure what else I'd be missing.


  • commitDate is set when an assignment is accepted and is based upon the accepting user's workload at the time of acceptance. You may update the commitment date to another value but you cannot have an empty commit date unless the task is actually complete.