
BAPI or FM for searching FI documents

I am searching for a BAPI to search FI documents, based on the input criteria (document type, posting date,...). Same as it is on FB03 transaction, but the Document List screen, not the screen with only three inputs (Document Number, Company Code, Fiscal Year).

As I don't have the document number, I need the search enabled BAPI.

I am calling the function module BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST for posting.

Any ideas?


  • Need to answer my own question - I was hoping to skip these two days of investigation by getting an answer here :)

    BAPI_ACC_CO_DOCUMENT_FIND is correct BAPI to use for searching the posted FI documents. What I found out is that if I want to search by posting date, I have to provide Controlling Area (but instead of an error, there is nothing returned).