I'm having a lot of headache trying to implement martyshka/ShoppingCart component. All I found was the hydrator was null while adding items, but it didn't work too when I forced it (setting it on the component).
namespace Publico\Controller;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use ShoppingCart\Controller\Plugin\ShoppingCart;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
class CarrinhoController extends AbstractActionController
private $carrinho;
private $entityManager;
protected function setCarrinho(ShoppingCart $cart)
$this->carrinho = $cart;
return $this;
protected function getCarrinho()
if (null === $this->carrinho) {
$this->setCarrinho(new ShoppingCart());
return $this->carrinho;
public function indexAction()
try {
$carrinho = $this->getCarrinho();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$carrinhoItems = [
'carrinho' => $carrinho->cart(),
'valorTotal' => $carrinho->total_sum(),
'qtdTotal' => $carrinho->total_items(),
return new ViewModel([
'carrinho' => $this->carrinho->cart(),
'valorTotal' => $this->carrinho->total_sum(),
'qtdTotal' => $this->carrinho->total_items(),
this component provides a plugin "ShoppingCart" to use, you do not need to create object of ShoppingCart.
if you properly install this component as module,
just use it in your action-