
StaticInjector vs ReflectiveInjector in Angular

Angular 5.x will include new StaticInjector as mentioned in this tweet. I have two questions:


  • First, there's a great article Angular introduces StaticInjector. Should you care? that explains the difference in details.

    How is it different from existing ReflectiveInjector?


    Relies on reflection capabilities provided by Reflect library to extract the implicit dependencies for a provider, hence the name Reflective:

    class B {}
    class A {
      constructor(@Inject(B) b) { } <----- `B` is implicit dependency
    const i = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([A, B]);

    The @Inject decorator defines the metadata specifying implicit dependencies and ReflectiveInjector uses this metadata.


    Doesn't use reflective capabilities and requires to specify the dependencies explicitly:

    class B {}
    class A { constructor(b) {} }
    const i = Injector.create([{provide: A, useClass: A, deps: [B]]};
    const a = i.get(A);

    Will it break any of my existing code? The change will only affect providers supplied to platform and compiler providers. So if you provided them like this:

    class B1 {}
    class A1 { constructor(@Inject(B1) b) {} }
    class B2 {}
    class A2 { constructor(@Inject(B2) b) {} }
    bootstrapModule(AppModule, {providers: [A1, B1]}).platformBrowserDynamic([A2, B2])

    You should now change that to:

    class B1 {}
    class A1 { constructor(b) {} }
    class B2 {}
    class A2 { constructor(b) {} }
    platformBrowserDynamic([{ provide: A1, useClass: A1, deps: [B1] }, B1])
    .bootstrapModule(AppModule, { providers: [ {provide: A2, useClass: A2, deps: [B2]}, B2 ] })

    The ReflectiveInjector is still marked as stable so you can probably continue using it. But there's a great probability that it will be removed in the future. I suggest you start using StaticInjector as soon as it's available.