I need to get the comments with your replies for all nodes owned by authenticated users.
I have it in the following way with stream java 8:
private Stream<Comment> getCommentsByObjectAfterThan(final FacebookClient facebookClient, final String objectId, final Date startDate, User user) {
Connection<Comment> commentConnection
= facebookClient.fetchConnection(objectId + "/comments", Comment.class);
return StreamUtils.asStream(commentConnection.iterator())
-> StreamUtils.concat(
getCommentsByObjectAfterThan(facebookClient, comment.getId(), startDate, user), comment)
.filter(comment -> !comment.getFrom().getId().equals(user.getId()) &&
(startDate != null ? comment.getCreatedTime().after(startDate) : true));
I need to optimize the second flapMap that creates a stream with the top-level comment and its replies.
Clearly it would have to do so:
.flatMap(comment -> comment.getCommentCount() > 0 ? StreamUtils.concat(
getCommentsByObjectAfterThan(facebookClient,comment.getId(), startDate, user), comment) : Stream.of(comment))
The problem is that it comment.getCommentCount()
always returns 0 even though the comments have replies.
How can i fix this? Thanks in advance.
Change the line
Connection<Comment> commentConnection
= facebookClient.fetchConnection(objectId + "/comments", Comment.class);
Connection<Comment> commentConnection
= facebookClient.fetchConnection(objectId + "/comments", Comment.class, Parameter.with("fields","comment_count");
Then you get the comment_count
field of the comment.