I'm starting to teach myself development using Suitecommerce Advanced and there is something I'm stuck on.
I'm calling this in the parent view's template and I want to pass on a class name to the child:
<div data-view="Header.Menu" data-options="{className : 'nav-header'}"></div>
And then on the child view's template I want to use that classname
<ul class="{{className}}">
{{#each links}}
<li class="nav__item"><a class="hvr-underline" href="{{link}}">{{name}}</a></li>
Unfortunately, this is not the right way to do this, but I'm not sure what the right way is.
When you call the child view from your parent view's .js file, add in the options like this:
childViews: {
'Header.Menu': function ()
return new HeaderMenuView({
option1: 'option1 value',
option2: 'option2 value',
Then you can access it from the child view's initialize function in the its' view.js file like this:
initialize: function(options)
Hope this helps!