
I can't understand the JWT Authentication well

Nowadays many developers use the JWT Authentication to authorize the api call. By the way, if a hacker can capture the api call request of the authenticated user then he can have the authenticated JWT token. Then the hacker can access this api with the authorized JWT token, without his authenticating. Is this alright? I am wondering that the JWT Authentication is actually safe. Can you explain that?


  • A jwt is a code that contains information about the identity and claims of a user and is valid for only a limited amount of time.

    The code cannot be read nor changed by anyone, except the authorization endpoint that issued the token. It is therefor safe in the sense that it cannot be tampered with. This means that the token can be fully trusted. You don't have to validate the token and you can use the identity information and claims without having to consult the database.

    But this is also the disadvantage. Once issued the token is valid until it expires, since the expiration cannot be altered. That is why the token should only be send over a secured line to the server. You wouldn't want a hacker to intercept the token.

    But if it happens, then what?

    There are several options. You can use short-lived tokens, which means that a token expires short time after being issued. If a token was intercepted, it is only valid for a small amount of time. In that case you take for granted that a hacker can have access for limited time to the system. The advantage is that you need less resources and the effort of hacking is probably not worthwhile.

    Another option is to validate the token on each request. This requires more resources (e.g. lookups in the database), though you can use some sort of caching. If something changes, like the ip address, then you can invalidate the token. But the question is if you can detect if a token was send by a hacker.

    So it depends on the chosen strategy. But: if you issue a long-lived access token without validation (and thus without the possibility to revoke the token), then you'll have a problem if a hacker gets hold of an access token. So you'll need to do something to use it in a safe way.

    While I think this should be enough to help you understand, I would like to mention the use of refresh tokens. If you use short-lived access tokens, then you may want to implement long-lived refresh tokens. These refresh tokens are meant to obtain a new access token after it expires. The advantage is that you don't need to send the credentials, the refesh token suffices. You can however only implement this in an application that can keep a secret. Because you most certainly do not want a hacker to intercept the (long-lived) refresh token.

    Being used less frequently (opposed to the access token) you can add logic to validate the refresh token when used. You can consult the database and decide to reject the request (e.g. when ip address changed) and revoke the refresh token. In that case the user has to identify itself again (send credentials).