I need a kind of help!
I have to get all information of a PrintJob (the last one). The problems is: My company's computers have more then one Printer per PC. So I need to monitor more than one printer at the Spooler level. I already tried so many logics and the last one was that:
Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2[] printerInfo2 = WinspoolUtil.getPrinterInfo2();
if (printerInfo2.length == 0)
System.out.println( "Sem impressoas" );
String[] printerNames = new String[printerInfo2.length];
int arrayIndex = 0;
for (Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2 aPrinterInfo2 : printerInfo2) {
printerNames[arrayIndex] = aPrinterInfo2.pPrinterName;
//if (aPrinterInfo2.pPrinterName.startsWith( "\\" )) {
//printerNames[arrayIndex] = aPrinterInfo2.pPrinterName.substring( 17 );
HANDLEByReference handleByReference = new HANDLEByReference();
boolean[] printersOpened = new boolean[printerNames.length];
arrayIndex = 0;
for (String printerName : printerNames) {
printersOpened[arrayIndex] = Winspool.INSTANCE.OpenPrinter( printerName, handleByReference, null );
if (!printersOpened[arrayIndex]) {
And i access the Printer:
WinNT.HANDLE chgObject = Winspool.INSTANCE.FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification( handleByReference.getValue(),
Winspool.PRINTER_CHANGE_JOB, 0, null );
if (chgObject != null) {
while (true) {
Kernel32.INSTANCE.WaitForSingleObject( chgObject, 1000 );
WinDef.DWORDByReference pdwChange = new WinDef.DWORDByReference();
boolean fcnreturn = Winspool.INSTANCE.FindNextPrinterChangeNotification( chgObject, pdwChange,
null, null );
if (fcnreturn) {
Winspool.JOB_INFO_1[] jobInfo1 = WinspoolUtil.getJobInfo1( handleByReference );
for (Winspool.JOB_INFO_1 aJobInfo1 : jobInfo1) {
System.out.println( "-----------xx-----------" );
System.out.println( aJobInfo1.pDocument );
System.out.println( aJobInfo1.pPrinterName );
System.out.println( "-----------xx-----------" );
But I can only get the last instantiated printer ... If there was any way, via JNA, to capture which printer the user selected, I still have not found it.
So I ask: how can I monitor the spooler without relying on the printer?
You need to use EnumPrinters to get all printer names and monitor them all for changes.