
Time parsing issue on Android

I am getting a parse exception when trying to parse the time string 02:22 p.m..

I have the following conversion function:

public static long convertdatetotimestamp(String datestring, String newdateformat, String olddateformat){
    SimpleDateFormat originalFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(olddateformat,Locale.ROOT);
    SimpleDateFormat targetFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(newdateformat,Locale.ROOT);
    Date date = null;
    try {
        date = originalFormat.parse(datestring);
        String formattedDate = targetFormat.format(date);
        Date parsedDate = targetFormat.parse(formattedDate);
        long nowMilliseconds = parsedDate.getTime();

        return nowMilliseconds;
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        return 0;


The method is called in another activity with a time format "02:22 p.m.". olddateformat and newdateformat are the same: hh:mm a.

It causes following error in log:

java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "02:22 p.m." (at offset 6)

How to resolve this issue? Time is in exactly above mentioned format.


  • Following changes that i've made works fine for me.

     public static long convertdatetotimestamp(String datestring, String newdateformat, String olddateformat){
            DateFormat originalFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(olddateformat,Locale.ENGLISH);
            DateFormat targetFormat = new
            Date date = null;
            try {
                date = originalFormat.parse(datestring.replaceAll("\\.", ""));
                String formattedDate = targetFormat.format(date);
                Date parsedDate = targetFormat.parse(formattedDate);
                long nowMilliseconds = parsedDate.getTime();
                return nowMilliseconds;
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                return 0;

    Locale.ENGLISH you can use your locale, english solved my issue. Reference.

    Thanks for responses and references.