I use qt qml 5.7 on Yocto project for raspberry pi. My project need virtual keyboard for Turkish language. QT Virtual Keyboard has no support Turkish language so i want to create my custom layout. I add my project example layout codes from here as name "myCustomLayout.qml".
And I run my virtual keyboard display function by following codes.
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
InputPanel {
id: inputPanel
visible: Qt.inputMethod.visible
y:main.height - height
width: main.width*6/8
focus: true
When I run the virtual keyboard display function, the appearing keyboard was not my custom layout, it still regular English keyboard layout. How can add my custom keyboard layout in my app?
I found qtvirtualkeyboard files in yocto build path in my computer (not pi).
I have created a new tr_TR layout files by copying en_GB file in content/layouts path. I changed my tr_TR main.qml file. I have modified virtualkeyboard.pro file like Mitch's answer by add following lines.
contains(CONFIG, lang-tr.*) {
Also I modified config.pri file. I changed following lines:
# Default language
!contains(CONFIG, lang-.*) {
contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests) { # CI or developer build, use all languages
CONFIG += lang-all
} else {
CONFIG += lang-tr_TR
# Flag for activating all languages
lang-all: CONFIG += \
# lang-ar_AR \
# lang-da_DK \
# lang-de_DE \
lang-en_GB \
# lang-es_ES \
# lang-fa_FA \
# lang-fi_FI \
# lang-fr_FR \
# lang-hi_IN \
# lang-it_IT \
# lang-ja_JP \
# lang-ko_KR \
# lang-nb_NO \
# lang-pl_PL \
# lang-pt_PT \
# lang-ru_RU \
# lang-sv_SE \
lang-tr_TR \
# lang-zh_CN \
# lang-zh_TW
I copied my changed git file to USB stick and opened my files on pi. I rebuilt qtvirtualkeyboard with:
qmake "CONFIG+=lang-all" qtvirtualkeyboard.pro
make install
Finally I can use my custom layout.