
How to have accessible swipe action for iCarousel

I am trying to make an accessible app. The problem arises when I wanted to have standard (Three-finger swipe right or left) behavior with iCarousel. Since iCarousel is not fully accessible by nature and it just lets user to have items be User intractable.

I done some research, there are some workarounds but I also don't want to implement UIAccessibilityCustomAction cause this will not give the user easy to swipe ability.


  • You can override and implement accessibilityScroll(_:) method as:

    extension iCarousel {
        override open func accessibilityScroll(_ direction: UIAccessibilityScrollDirection) -> Bool {
            if direction == UIAccessibilityScrollDirection.left {
                self.scroll(byOffset: 1, duration: 1.0)
            if direction == UIAccessibilityScrollDirection.right {
                self.scroll(byOffset: -1, duration: 1.0)
            return true

    and post a desire (e.g. page number) in iCarousel delegate method carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation, you may also change the accessibilityLabel and other accessibility related values here.

    func carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ carousel: iCarousel) {
        self.carousel.accessibilityLabel = accLabels[currentItemIndex]
        self.carousel.accessibilityValue = accValues[currentItemIndex]
                                        "item \(currentItemIndex + 1) of \(self.items.count)")

    Also in viewDidLoad set the initial accessibilityLabel as well as:

    self.carousel.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitUpdatesFrequently

    I hope this helps someone.