I'm trying to install an old version of jhipster by using the following commands:
sudo npm install -g generator-jhipster@3.2
yarn global add generator-jhipster@3.2
with the same result:
"generator-jhipster@3.2.1" has no binaries
bash: jhipster: command not found
I have already tried the following commands without success:
yarn global add yo
export PATH="$PATH:yarn global bin:$HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin"
Please help me solve this problem.
You can't use the jhipster
command with JHipster 3.x as it was introduced in version 4.x. You must run it as yo jhipster
You can read the archived documentation for version 3.2.1 at https://jhipster.github.io/documentation-archive/v3.2.1/