
Getting pylint (or other tool) to catch overlapping exceptions

I haven't found any way to get pylint (or other code analysis tools) to catch cases where there are overlapping/redundant exceptions caught like in the following example:

import socket
except (ConnectionError, IOError, OSError, socket.error):
    # ConnectionError inherits from OSError
    # socket.error and IOError are aliases for OSError

Here I would like to get a complaint about ConnectionError, IOError and socket.error already being covered by OSError in the except-clause.

In [1]: import socket

In [2]: OSError
Out[2]: builtins.OSError

In [3]: socket.error
Out[3]: builtins.OSError

In [4]: IOError
Out[4]: builtins.OSError

In [5]: ConnectionError, ConnectionError.__bases__
Out[5]: (builtins.ConnectionError, (builtins.OSError,))

Does this exists? If not, would this be a good/bad idea?


  • Now implemented here: Overlap-except-checker