
retrieve async ads insights results from FB ads API with pagination

I am using facebook-python-ads-sdk to make async calls for FB insights API as described.

params = {
    "time_increment": 1,
    "level": "ad",
    "date_preset": "last_28d",
    "breakdowns": "hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone",
    "limit": 1000

job = AdAccount("id").get_insights_async(params=params)
result_cursor = wait_for_async_job(job)
results = [item for item in result_cursor]

def wait_for_async_job(job):
    for _ in range(TIMEOUT):
        job = job.remote_read()
        status = job[AdReportRun.Field.async_status]
        if status == "Job Completed":
            return job.get_result()

So the job to retrieve insights for last_28d finishes in a few minutes, however, the pagination over the results can take up to an hour!

Is it the right way to paginate over an async job?


  • I am posting the answer so it can help other developers that had the same issue.


    return job.get_result()


    return job.get_result(params={"limit": 1000})

    This will paginate over the results in jumps of 1000 and not the default which is 25.

    The above change saved us 30 minutes of run.