
How to get all record's id in Search API using GAE

result = search.get_indexes(namespace='', offset=0, limit=999, start_index_name='f35cef2dfb9a8f34e381386ec5a1f7ee', include_start_index=True, fetch_schema=False)

but, here not got id/index

how to get only id/index of record in Search API ? help !!


  • The above code will only get you the first batch of doc_ids I had to spent hours to find this. Use the following code to get all doc_ids...

    from google.appengine.api import search
    index = search.Index('YOUR_INDEX_NAME')
    document_ids = [document.doc_id for document in index.get_range(start_id="0", ids_only=True)]
        while len(document_ids)>1:
          for doc_id in document_ids:
            print doc_id# Do whatever you want with these ID's
          document_ids = [document.doc_id for document in index.get_range(start_id=doc_id, ids_only=True)]