I'm developing a ps module which let you classify the product attachment in categories an display them in the front product page.
I'm using a draggable list with the attachment, and when you drop them to the category it turns to an option tag, each category has a select tag where to drop the attachment.
I want to save the attachments and the category where they was dropped, so I thought make an ajax call to bring the data to my module class but I'm new with ajax and cant approach it.
this is what I've made:
the js code (inside the proper .tpl):
$( ".droptrue" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {
//add <option> tag when an attachment is dropped to category's select
$(event.target).append('<option value="' + ui.draggable.attr('id') + '" selected>'+ui.draggable.text()+'</option>');
//remove the <li> which contained the attachment data
var val = $('#categoryAttachmentArr').val();
//var tab = val.split(',');
//for (var i=0; i < tab.length; i++)
//if (tab[i] == $(this).val())
// return false;
//create an array with the next format: 'id_category(1)'-'id_attachment(1)','id_category(2)'-'id_attachment(2)'[....]
//the comma will be the main character that will be splitted
$('#categoryAttachmentArr').val(val + ui.doppable.attr('id') + '-' + ui.draggable.attr('id') +',');
type: 'POST',
url: baseDir + 'modules/adjuntos/classes/CategoryAttachment.php',
data: {
ajax: true,
action: \'CategoryArray\',
cat_array: $('#categoryAttachmentArray').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
$( ".ui-state-default" ).draggable({
revert: "valid",
And my class:
class CategoryAttachment extends Objectmodel
//other functions
public function ajaxProcessCategoryArray()
$CategoryAttachmentArr = Tools::getValue('cat_array')
Finaly I got the solution, maybe one of you guys will have this problem in the future.
My code in the .tpl:
$( ".ui-state-default" ).draggable();
$( ".droptrue" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {
//add <option> tag when an attachment is dropped to category's select
$(event.target).append('<option value="' + ui.draggable.attr('id') + '" selected>'+ui.draggable.text()+'</option>');
$('#selectAttachment1').append('<option value="' + ui.draggable.attr('id') + '" selected>'+ui.draggable.text()+'</option>')
//remove the <li> wich contained the attachment data
var val = $('#categoryAttachmentArr').val();
//make a serialize() type array
$('#categoryAttachmentArr').val(val + $(this).attr('id') + "=" + ui.draggable.attr('id') +"&");
var value = $('#arrayAttachments').val();
var tab = value.split(',');
for (var i=0; i < tab.length; i++)
if (tab[i] == ui.draggable.attr('id')){
return false;
var array = $('#categoryAttachmentArr').val()
url: '../modules/adjuntos/ajax-call.php',
data: {
action: 'handlearray',
token:new Date().getTime(),
cat: array
method: 'POST',
the ajax call goes to my ajax-call.php file:
//load ps config
//adjuntos.php is the name of my module main file
if(Tools::getIsset('token') && Tools::getIsset('action'))
$mp = new Adjuntos;
echo $mp->handleArray();
The handleArray function in my module main file:(it make a call to my custom class)
public static function handleArray()
$html = '';
$array = Tools::getValue('cat');
$arrayExplode = explode("&", $array);
foreach($arrayExplode as $value)
$finalArr = explode("=", $value);
if (!CategoryAttachment::postProcess($finalArr))
$html .= '<p style="color:red;>Fallo</p>"';
$html .= '<p style="color:green;>Correcto</p>"';
return $html;
The function in my custom class:
public static function postProcess($finalArr)
return Db::getInstance()->execute(
'UPDATE ps_attachment SET id_category = '.$finalArr[0].' WHERE id_attachment = '.$finalArr[1]
This way is working like a charm, and make the code more scalable