I'm using Globalize and ActiveAdmin, and I've now installed a gem from a fork of ActiveAdminGlobalize
Everything that is described in the readme is working, but I'd like to add a filter to the Active Admin Index.
So, for the model stuff.rb
class Stuff < ApplicationRecord
translates :name
active_admin_translates :name do
validates_presence_of :name
And the class in app/admin/stuff.rb
ActiveAdmin.register Stuff do
index do
column :name
filter :name
How do I make the filter :name to work?
I'm using the regular ActiveAdmin gem and, after scratching my head for quite some time, found that the following works:
filter :translations_name_contains, as: :string
Of course you can change name with any other attributes you have translated with Globalize
filter :translations_title_contains, as: :string
To tie everything up nicely, I like to customize the label to avoid the default one AA creates:
filter :translations_title_contains, as: :string, label: "Search", placeholder: "Search page title..."
Hope this helps, thanks!