
@ character is not displayed in Watson Conversation Service response string

In working with IBM Watson Conversation Service (WCS) I want to print an email address in the response. The problem is that WCS is neglecting all the characters after @ symbol and the @ character itself.

I tried using ' and \ to escape it, but it didn't help much.

How can I print an email address in a response string?


  • If the email address is passed into the Watson Conversation service as a context variable, then it can be returned (printed) as part of the response string. Assuming the variable is named "email" and its value is "", the following would do as response:

    Hello, your mail address is <? $email ?>

    It would return:

    Hello, your mail address is

    However, you need to be careful if you want to print out special characters such as @. The reason is that it refers to entities. It is a shorthand. In that case you need to escape that sign with \, e.g., \@. Here is a hardcoded response:

    Please contact support at support\