
upgrading to rails 5.1.2 from rails 4.20 breaks Angular integration

I am upgrading my rails 4.2.0 app to 5.1.2 which is going fine. I had used Angular 1.x to enhance my rails app pages selectively. My rails views are in HAML. Here is a snippet of a page which loads fine in 4.2.0, but not in 5.1.2:

.well{"ng-app" => "billing", "ng-controller" => "BillableCtrl"}
  = simple_form_for @billable do |f|

This loads angular fine in this view. However, I get the following stack trace in my javascript console when I try to load this in Rails 5.1.2.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token & angular.self-26d045c60a96c782aa8ef9f5709b1b4fd1ec8578bc37ec2c6c2b9c4370f4bac0.js?body=1:64 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module billing due to: Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'billing' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.

I am using ngannotate-rails version 1.2.2 in rails 5.1.2 upgrade. The version of ngannotate-rails used in rails 4.2.0 version was 0.15.4.

Has anyone else run into this issue? What are some options to investigate?


  • It turned out NOT to be an angular problem but a Rails to Javascript messaging problem. Take a look at the following line code in one of my javascript functions:

    $scope.billable_item = #{@billable.to_json};

    Up until Rails 4.2.0 in my experience, this was the standard way to pass the Rails data into javascript. However, for some reason that I do not understand yet, it is broken. That was causing Angular to throw very confusing messages. I have been using the 'Gon' gem to pass data from Rails to Javascript for some time and I switched to that which worked fine. I will now switch my entire Rails to Javascript communication to the Gon gem.