
Return results base on calendar Week

I have a table with the following rows.

Name    Value   Links   DateSetup
Andrew  10000.00    1   2017-06-06 14:00:44.663
Gerard  35000.00    1   2017-06-07 09:56:18.943
Dominic 70000.00    1   2017-06-07 11:35:56.080
Dominic 25000.00    1   2017-06-08 12:48:02.940
Jim     4800000.00  4   2017-06-08 14:05:00.283
Dominic 600000.00   1   2017-06-08 14:14:15.170
Andrew  350000.00   2   2017-06-09 09:11:19.630
Andrew  75000.00    1   2017-06-09 09:15:58.147
Gerard  115000.00   1   2017-06-09 14:29:18.977
Andrew  200000.00   1   2017-06-09 16:50:32.790
Owen    100000.00   1   2017-06-12 09:33:56.477
Gerard  500000.00   1   2017-06-12 09:49:29.887
Andrew  130000.00   1   2017-06-12 12:03:38.340
Cathal  25500.00    1   2017-06-13 11:11:02.560
Cillian 5000000.00  2   2017-06-13 14:05:21.643
Cillian 8000000.00  2   2017-06-13 14:20:24.777
Cillian 400.00      2   2017-06-13 14:48:51.447

I need to run a query to return all results for calendar week 23.

I currently use the following but want to change from providing the between dates to calendar week.

SELECT         Name, Value, Links,DateSetup
FROM           setup
WHERE DateSetup BETWEEN '05-06-2017 00:00:00' AND '11-06-2017 00:00:00'

Any help would be grateful.


  • As there is no DB tagged:

    For SQL Server you could use:

    SELECT Name
      FROM setup
     WHERE DATEPART(wk, DateSetup) = 23

    MySQL should work like:

    SELECT Name
      FROM setup
     WHERE WEEK(DateSetup) = 23