
What is a simple, effective way to debug custom Kafka connectors?

I'm working a couple of Kafka connectors and I don't see any errors in their creation/deployment in the console output, however I am not getting the result that I'm looking for (no results whatsoever for that matter, desired or otherwise). I made these connectors based on Kafka's example FileStream connectors, so my debug technique was based off the use of the SLF4J Logger that is used in the example. I've searched for the log messages that I thought would be produced in the console output, but to no avail. Am I looking in the wrong place for these messages? Or perhaps is there a better way of going about debugging these connectors?

Example uses of the SLF4J Logger that I referenced for my implementation:

Kafka FileStreamSinkTask

Kafka FileStreamSourceTask


  • I will try to reply to your question in a broad way. A simple way to do Connector development could be as follows:

    Note: The Connect worker's properties file currently loaded by the CLI is ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/ That's the file you should edit if you choose to enable classloading isolation but also if you need to change your Connect worker's properties.

    Note: change where your logs and data are stored during a session of the Confluent CLI by setting the environment variable CONFLUENT_CURRENT appropriately. E.g. given that /opt/confluent exists and is where you want to store your data, run:

    export CONFLUENT_CURRENT=/opt/confluent
    confluent current

    I hope the above will make your connector development easier and ... more fun!