
Ionic 3 Plunker with SCSS not working

I have found that this plunker is using for Ionic 3.X demo by the Ionic team.But can you tell me how to add .scss file to that.Let's say I need to add app/home.page.scss or may be a global scss file.Can you help me for that?


  • updated Plunker

    Following are the changes that I made:

    1) created app/home.page.scss

    2) Added following meta data in app/home.page.ts

    styleUrls: ['app/home.page.scss']

    3) Added class red in app/home.page.html

    <ion-title class="red">{{ appName }}</ion-title>

    4) Added following in app/home.page.scss

    .red {
      border: 1px solid red;

    I hope this is what you needed !