I installed a composer, downloaded the Aura, created an index.pxp and wrote in it:
use Aura\Di\ContainerBuilder;
$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
$di = $builder->newInstance();
$object = $di->newInstance('Vendor\Package\ClassName');
But phpStorm says:Undefined namespase DI
And i have error: Fatal error: Class 'Aura\Di\ContainerBuilder' not found in... on line 4
I do as follows: http://auraphp.com/packages/3.x/Di/getting-started.html#1-1-1
In order for the composer auto-loader to pick up \Aura\Di
, the dependency needs to be managed by composer.
You can easily do this by executing
composer require aura/di
which will add the dependency to your composer.json
file and register with the auto-loader.
If you have manually downloaded and installed aura/di, you can revert that.