
how to use showdown.js in scalajs?

I want use showdown.js library on my scalajs project.
How could I use scalajs to replace javascript code:

var converter = new showdown.Converter(),
    text      = '#hello, markdown!',
    html      = converter.makeHtml(text);

I have find a dependencies with jsDependencies += "org.webjars.bower" % "github-com-showdownjs-showdown" % "1.4.3" / "1.4.3/showdown.js" commonJSName "Showdown", but its not enough. Should I write a js.native binding to the library refer in scala.js document?

A example is welcome! Thanks


  • You should indeed write an @js.native binding for the library, unless you find a published library that does it for you.

    For the small example that you show, the binding would look like this:

    class Converter extends js.Object {
      def makeHtml(text: String): String = js.native

    which then allows you to write

    val converter = new Converter()
    val text = "#hello, markdown!"
    val html = converter.makeHtml(text)