
Running Clover coverage reporter inserts new column to CSV test and breaks build

I am trying to integrate Clover with a Java project at work. Clover has been added to the classpath, the plugin has been added to the POM and the license has been set up. When I run mvn clean clover:setup test clover:aggregate clover:clover Clover starts up correctly. However, tests that generate csv's fail because the CSV output is not what is expected. This is what gets generated for one of the tests:

001,Fred,com_atlassian_clover.TestNameSniffer$1@e628ccb,Mr. Fred Flinstone,Fred Flinstone,US
002,Bob,com_atlassian_clover.TestNameSniffer$1@e628ccb,Mr. Bob the builder,Bob the builder,UK
003,Tintin,com_atlassian_clover.TestNameSniffer$1@e628ccb,Mr. Tin Tin,Tin Tin,FR
004,,com_atlassian_clover.TestNameSniffer$1@e628ccb,,Rob the Bob,
005,,com_atlassian_clover.TestNameSniffer$1@e628ccb],,Tom the Bob,

This is what is expected:

001,Fred,Mr. Fred Flinstone,Fred Flinstone,US
002,Bob,Mr. Bob the builder,Bob the builder,UK
003,Tintin,Mr. Tin Tin,Tin Tin,FR
004,,,Rob the Bob,
005,],,Tom the Bob,

Why would Clover add a new column in to the CSV output, is it possible to stop it? I'm using maven 3.3, JDK 8 and Clover version 4.0.2.

I have tried looking for an answer but cannot seem to find anything similar to this issue. When I remove the failing tests Clover works fine.


  • I'm pretty sure it's connected to the code (or a library) you're using to create that CSV file. Clover on its own won't modify a CSV file. I suppose there's a code which access Java Object fields by reflection. Since class is instrumented by Clover, it adds some instrumentation code (like CLV_TEST_SNIFFER.

    There are basically two solutions to your problem: