I need to download chart data from poloniex rest client with multiple options using bash only. I tried getopts but couldn't really find a way to use mutliple options with multiple parameters.
here is what I want to achieve
./getdata.sh -c currency1 currency2 ... -p period1 period2 ...
having the arguments I need to call wget for c x p
for currency in c
for period in p
wget https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnChartData¤cyPair=BTC_{$currency}&start=1405699200&end=9999999999&period={$period}
well I am explicitly writing my ultimate goal as probably many others looking for it nowadays.
Could something like this work for you?
while getopts ":a:p:" opt; do
case $opt in
a) arg1="$OPTARG"
p) arg2="$OPTARG"
\?) echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2
printf "Argument 1 is %s\n" "$arg1"
printf "Argument 2 is %s\n" "$arg2"
You can then call your script like this:
./script.sh -p 'world' -a 'hello'
The output for the above will be:
Argument 1 is hello
Argument 2 is world
You can use the same option multiple times. When parsing the argument values, you can then add them to an array.
while getopts "c:" opt; do
case $opt in
c) currs+=("$OPTARG");;
shift $((OPTIND -1))
for cur in "${currs[@]}"; do
echo "$cur"
You can then call your script as follows:
./script.sh -c USD -c CAD
The output will be:
Reference: BASH: getopts retrieving multiple variables from one flag