i am new to ruby and rubyXL and have (maybe) a simple question. I have an Excel File which i parse with RubyXL.
then i want to save all values from column B into an array. And i don't know how to get this done. Maybe someone can help me?
@workbook = RubyXL::Parser.parse(path)
@excelColumnB = Array.new
#only iterate column B (1)
@workbook.worksheets[0].each[1] { |column|
column.cells.each { |cell|
val = cell && cell.value
puts val
return excelColumnB
i know that the example is wrong. I tried many things.
The each[1]
is your main problem. You can't index an iterator that way, it's syntactically incorrect. The block variable contains a row, not a column.
Try this:
@workbook.worksheets[0].each { |row|
val = row[1].value
@excelColumnB << val
puts val
But I recommend a more succinct way to create your array:
@col_b = workbook.worksheets[0].collect {|row| row[1].value}