Having recently switched from R to Python, I am exploring Pweave as a substitute to Sweave. The example files (http://mpastell.com/pweave/examples/index.html) look great so I have started building on those. Using the command
pweave -f tex FIR_design_verb.texw
from the terminal generates a .tex file which can then be converted into a pdf with figures included.
Trying the same from the python interpreter (spyder in my case) as
import pweave
pweave.weave('FIR_design_verb.texw', doctype = "tex")
does not yield the same result, the figures are not there. The tex file generated has
lacking the \includegraphics{} and the figures folder is created but empty. Am I missing a parameter in pweave.weave()?
Ps: As a work-around, the following code works:
import subprocess
cmd = ['pweave', '-f', 'tex', 'pweave_test.texw']
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
I think the problem is that Spyder imports ˋmatplotlibˋ before Pweave so the figures are not captured. Your code should work if you run "plain" python interpreter.