
How can I make vuefire show loading screen?

As title Vuefire can auto get data from firebase database, but it needs some loading time. So I want to display some css animation before data being fetched, is there any event can I $watch when it successed


  • You can do this multiple ways. Vuefire has readyCallback out of the box which is callback called when the data is fetched (ready).

    Here it is:

    var vm = new Vue({
      el: '#demo',
      data: function() {
        return {
           loaded: false
      firebase: {
        // simple syntax, bind as an array by default
        anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection'),
        // can also bind to a query
        // anArray: db.ref('url/to/my/collection').limitToLast(25)
        // full syntax
        anObject: {
          source: db.ref('url/to/my/object'),
          // optionally bind as an object
          asObject: true,
          // optionally provide the cancelCallback
          cancelCallback: function () {},
          // this is called once the data has been retrieved from firebase
          readyCallback: function () {
             this.loaded = true // NOTE THIS LINE